

I know, I know I'm behind.  Sorry guys, I need to take a break; I got hit with the flu and so did Husband.  I will start up again after I've caught up at work and all that jazz.  Thanks.

I will list the rest of the photos I have left in my photo a day project, but also be aware that I'm changing up a  few of these because they were becoming a little redundant for me.

  1. Family member's hair 
  2. Favorite short 'do 
  3. Curly hair - maybe; I'm not going to curl my hair methinks, so I'll probably just post an old photo
  4. Hair Swissssshhh
  5. Worst hair moment 
  6. Straight of out the shower hair 
  7. Your hair as a child 
  8. Hair product you used today 
  9. Bed head 
  10. Hair don't (hair you really don't like) 
  11. Where you did your hair today 
  12. Daily hair routine 

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